Extract texts from your designs in a structured format as yaml or json.
This simple plugin is a complementary tool of flutter translator sheet.
Just select any amount of elements on your canvas (Layers, Pages, Components), and select Plugins > fts extractor >
And choose one of the menu options.
It will generate a structured tree from the Strings found in the selection, based on the document’s nodes hierarchy, so you can have a “cleaner” output if you name your layers properly.
The layers represents the field names in the yaml / json output. They are sanitized for illegal characters, spaces, and normalized in snake_case style.
Here’s an example of the type of output you can get:
payment_details: card_details: Card Details mastercard: eden_hazard: Eden Hazard k_4754: '4754' k_3243: '3243' k_25000_aed: 25000 AED payment_details: ' Payment details' holder_name: Holder name card_number: Card number coupon_promo_code: coupon/ promo code m_m_yy: MM/YY cvv: CVV button_s_primary_default: confirm: Confirm
The idea is that you modify this file as needed to use as master template in fts cli.
So, power-up your Flutter development flow on internationalization, using flutter translator sheet, Figma and the fts extractor plugin.