Easily import 100s of colors at once.
Whether you quickly want to test out different colors from your favorite color palette generator or if you have a large file that contains a lot of color styles you want to extract.
This plugin is able to do it all.
If you want to re-use the colors in your designs, there’s an option to create color styles.
Supported color formats:
-> HEX
6-Digit & 3-digit hex codes are supported. Make sure there’s a hashtag at the start of your hex code.
Examples: #FFFFFF, #000
-> RGB(A)
Both rgb and rgba are supported. Make sure your color starts with rgb or rgba.
Examples: rgb(50%,30%,10%), rgba(123,212,76,0.3)
See what kind of files you can throw at it, and let me know if something isn’t working. If you find any issues, or if you have ideas for extra features you’d like to see, send me a message 🙂