Quickly generate a simple typescale/modular scale.
This is an very early version.
# What is a modular scale?
A modular scale in Typography is used to generate a visual rhythm in font sizes. This plugin helps to generate those sizes. Starting with a base-value, font-size increments and decrements from that size with a multiplier you set.
# What can I do here?
This plugin lets you generate a modular scale. At this stage it’s fairly basic. Functions as you also could know them from websites about this topic.
1. Set a base-size
2. Set a multiplier
3. Set how many sizes you want above and below the base-size
4. Decide to round or not to round values. An addition many alternatives currently miss.
5. Any ideas? I’m planning to extend this plugin
✳ NEW ✳
Redesigned Interface & Start with a custom style