Make sure your most important elements will be visible every time on every device. Above the Fold plugin marks your designs with a layer that indicates where the above-the-fold portion ends.
🔌How Above the Fold plugin works?
– Select one (or more) Artboard(s).
– Run the plugin with your desired target device.
– Your results * are ready
* The results are seperate layers on top of each Artboard.
❓ How can Above the Fold help me?
Above the Fold is the portion of a Web page that is visible in a browser window when the page first loads. Users engage more with the content above the fold than below the fold, thus key site functions and content related to business goals should appear at the top of the Web page.
🚨 What is the Danger zone?
The viewport is the area where browsers load the web pages and >90% * is different than the user’s screen resolution. The browser and OS navigation bars add a dynamic offset to the final viewport. The danger zone represent the average difference in height between screen resolution and viewport.
*They are equal only when the web browser is in fullscreen mode